Monday, 19 October 2009

Henry Sugar

Although a very few people who knew this already, I'm planning on filling up my spare time (of which I have a lot) by writing a script based on Roald Dahl's short story, The Wonderful Story of Henry Sugar. I had first thought of doing a version of Fantastic Mr Fox, but since Wes Anderson beat me to it, (and it looks awesome, can't wait to see it on Friday) I decided to adapt Henry Sugar. My basic idea is pretty close to the book (Henry learns to see through cards, wins a hell of a lot of money, has a change of heart and gives the money to charity,) but I've decided to give it my own twist as well. Whether I'll manage to finish it or not is another thing entirely, but I'll certainly give it a go, I might as well, since i spent £16 on a scriptwriting book which has helped in no way entirely...

Listening to:
Eagles of Death Metal - Death By Sexy
The Strokes - Room on Fire
Sepultura - Roots
Cavalera Consipiracy - Inflikted
George Harrison - Let It Roll (Greatest Hits)

Sunday, 18 October 2009

Relentless Inferno, Ribena, Sandwiches and a Newspaper

I write to you this evening, having gotten myself totally confused by a Contract Law question due tomorrow, bored and in need of money...

Having a total lack of control over my spending, I now have the grand total of £20 to last until next Friday, when the Gods financially bless my bank account.

I blame my financial situation on 4 things: Relentless Inferno, Ribena, Sandwiches and a Newspaper. Combined, one of each easily costs a fiver, and being in uni 4 days a week, well you do the math...

On a happier note, I bought the Sunday Times today so I could get The Motorcycle Diaries on DVD, and I thoroughly enjoyed it, it's a good insight into pre-Revolution Che. I've also started listening to Sepultura, Cavalera Conspiracy and Soulfly, and I'll thank James and Gavin for that, cheers!

Anyway, before I get too bored, I'll say goodbye for now, but I'll surely be back soon to impart more of my opinions and other random thoughts...