Sunday, 13 December 2009

Each Day Just Goes So Fast, I Turn Around It's Passed...

It's only just dawned on me today that it's been 7 months since I finished school! While I'm not complaining in the slightest, it just seems a bit weird that time's passed so quickly since then, and so much has happened, what with starting uni, turning 18, finally going out with Kirstie (January will be awesome for me), getting a car, going to T in the Park, seeing BRUCE SPRINGSTEEN, getting myself a pretty awesome group of friends, although it did suck to all go our separate ways in September after only 2 and a half months... Christmas catch-ups are in order!

It's weird to think I'm in the position I am now, having been, and this might not make sense, but a completely different person, yet still exactly the same. What I mean is, the fact-hoarding, music, book, and film-lover and pop-culture reference machine is still there, yet I've completely came out my shell I was in at school and became totally different, and couldn't be happier for it.

This weekend in music, it's been Beatles, Springsteen and the wonderful Arcade Fire on the iPod this week, with Revolver, Nebraska and Neon Bible being the albums of choice, although AF's Wake Up is on Funeral, their debut. I've been listening to all of them straight through on multiple occasions, and obviously you'll know my clear appreciation for Nebraska after yesterday's heap of praise.

I was also introduced today at work to Melechesh, an Isreali "Mesopotamian Metal" band, who really are possibly the heaviest band I've ever heard. I'll just stick to Metallica, thank you very much...

Well, I have an exam tomorrow, so I might as well do a bit more studying, best of luck to me!

Darren out, saying I guess we'll just have to adjust...

Now playing: Arcade Fire - Wake Up
via FoxyTunes

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