Heh, I've just realised that I've written nearly as many posts this month than I have in the rest of the year put together! Good stuff. Just back from a hefty run, went round the hospital three times. I only hope that's the only use I'll have for the place! The FEELGOOD PLAYLIST doesn't quite work for running, since I keep wanting to stop and sing, so I like some stuff that's a bit more fast/heavy, to keep me going. Something that works, that isn't quite either, is this:
This is the first track from The Black Keys' new album, Brothers. While they're still no Arcade Fire, they are a fantastic band. Since Strange Times was in Grand Theft Auto IV, I've been a fan, and this song's just the reason why.
Also, in bloody annoying and poossibly rage-worthy news, Daniel Craig has signed on to play Mikael Blomkvist in David Fincher's Dragon Tattoo remake. Now that's not what annoys me, I think he's probably one of the best people that could do the part. What does piss me off, on the other hand, is the fact that it's to be filmed in Sweden, and he's going to be putting on a Swedish accent. Not cool.
If I was remaking it, which I'd never even dream of doing in the first place, the original's that bloody good, I'd set it somewhere else, maybe even in Scotland or something. The whole thing's based on a remote island, why not just go to Orkney, or the Outer Hebrides? It'd be better than James Bond turning Swedish. There's still no Lisbeth Salander yet, but to be honest, I don't care. I'm not going to see the film, because I have no interest in it. I'll just stick to the fantastically written, directed and performed Swedish original, thank you very much.
And back to the RUNNING playlist. Basically, just pick stuff that's fast. I'm not going to list mine, because you'll all hate it...
Darren out, saying Annie Hall leaves New York in the end, press rewind and Woody gets her back again...
Now playing: Blur - Look Inside America
via FoxyTunes
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