Monday, 22 November 2010

Whip My Hair Back and Forth...

Of all the videos I've watched online recently, not one of them (aside from Backstroke of the West) comes close to this video I'm about to show you. While on Late Night with Jimmy Fallon in the States, Bruce Springsteen comes on, dressed as himself during the 70s, and covers Will Smith's daughter Willow's Whip My Hair, with Fallon dressed and singing exactly like Neil Young. Now I'd heard the original song before, and it's dire. It's like that Airplanes nonsense in terms of internet references online, you can't go very far on comedy picture blogs without finding something taking the piss out of either, and that I like. So without further ado, here's "Neil Young" and Bruce Springsteen performing Whip My Hair:

I might actually start watching this show if he has good enough guests and musical numbers like that. I'm going to get back into Neil Young now as well, so no harm done!

Another talk show you should definitely be watching is Conan, the return of Conan O'Brien to late night talk-shows since he was punted from The Tonight Show after only 7 months as host. And he, too, has awesome guests, such as Tom Hanks, Seth Rogen, and SOUNDGARDEN! Now I can't embed this, so you'll need to click this link, but it's totally worth it, if only to hear Chris Cornell back where he belongs. God, that voice!

Such good songs, and I have no idea why Black Rain wasn't put on Badmotorfinger, it would have been a very worthwhile addition to an already fantastic album. I seriously hope they play at Download next year.

I was also planning on putting up videos of part of Daft Punk's set (from their official YouTube channel) at the Wireless Festival in 2007, but this library's computer's being a bitch, so it can wait till the next post.

I'd better head, tutorial in 20 minutes...

EDIT: The thing ended up not posting at all, Internet at the library turned out to be down or whatever. Here's those videos!

Darren out, saying don't let the haters keep me off my grind...

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