Here's a quick post, just to inform everyone of Supaida-Man, the Japanese version of Spider-Man developed by Toei in 1978, as part of a four-year deal with Marvel that allowed Toei to use the Marvel Comics characters in any way they see fit. Clearly, judged on that damn trippy opening sequence, they went as far as they could. I never knew Peter Parker, sorry, I mean Takuya Yamashiro, was part of the Power Rangers. I miss the Power Rangers. As a point of reference, this giant Megazord was called Leopardon, for whatever reason.
Also, the special effects budget ran out by episode five (OF FORTY-ONE!), and from episode ten, no more footage of the robot could be made, since someone stole the suit, so stock footage had to be used. The episode titles are also trippy as hell, and I'll link to the wikipedia article to show you, there's so many bad episode titles: , but The Onion Silver Mask and the Boys' Detective Group is by far my favourite at first glance.
The villain, Professor Monster, is also equally stupidly-named, but his Iron Cross Army actually sounds pretty cool.
Japanese TV scares me sometimes. Just read the subtitles of the opening credits, and the lyrics are so daft, just the stupidest interpretation possible of what Spider-Man actually does. Look at this villain. I mean yeah, Mysterio was stupid-looking, but this takes the biscuit...
Christ on a bike, this is a very odd show. Now, while I leave you for now, here is episode one of Supaida-Man, Fukushū no Toki wa Kitareri! Ute Tetsu Jūji Dan!! (The Time of Revenge Has Come! Beat Down Iron Cross Group!!) ENJOY! Or weep, your choice...
Darren out, saying eyes sparkle with the flash of anger... (SPIDER-MAN!)
Sunday, 31 October 2010
It's Close to Midnight...
Guys, guys, guys. Now I might often tell you such and such a song has the best video ever. On all occasions, except for this one, I have to be ignored. THIS is the best video of all time.
Because Sony doesn't want the video embedded, it probably won't work on this, so just give it a click and watch it on YouTube. I'm not putting up a crappy quality version with half the video cut out, it detracts from the overall effect of the video. I mean even now, that Vincent Price voiceover is fucking scary. Elmer Bernstein's extra music in between the actual song, "Scary Music" as it's described in the credits. Oh, and that bassline. You might be aware of this, or not, but I love bass in songs (to a certain degree), and Thriller has one of the best basslines in recorded music. This changed music videos forever, and it's clear why. Having such a high-calibre director as John Landis didn't hurt, and the video still stands up today, looking far better than modern-day videos. The thing's so tightly choreographed as well, makes you respect the work that went into the production that bit more. Rick Baker's make-up is fantastic, but having won six Oscars for his craft. It just makes the whole thing look that bit more convincing. Sure, MJ had a few hits (and misses) but nothing, NOTHING, stands up to Thriller. Personally, I don't like the guy at all, but he does deserve credit for what he's done (musically, that is.)
This next video is testament to the fact that Thriller is just one of those songs that shouldn't be touched. By anyone. Ever.
This piece of unnecessarily melancholy pish is going to lead nicely to my next point, The X-Factor. I had to sit through that last night. As did, according to average viewing figures, 10 or 11 million other hapless sods. I was not impressed. This Matt guy, of whom Kirst has been creaming about the past month or so, turned out to be crap, and that walking Topman advert who murdered (I will not say covered) Thriller made me want to pour acid into my ears. That bad. Sure, interpreting a song in your own way is fine, but not if you're going to turn it into a moody sad-fest that pretty much goes against what the song was about in the first place. Watch that top video again. Apart from the zombies and the evil laughter at the end, it's not meant to be taken seriously. Read MJ's disclaimer at the start! (He was a raging Jehovah's Witness at the time.) This Aiden character sounds like if Harry McVeigh, the singer from White Lies, was repeatedly punched in the balls, making his voice go just that little bit higher. As you can see, I was not impressed in the slightest.
Now this guy, on the other hand, is a man I can get behind. That moustache...
Last night, he looked like a murderous lion tamer. Exactly what you need on a Halloween themed night, to complement Cheryl's string vest-like dress, that Katie's Gaga-on-a-budget style wig, and those Diet Biebers with the vampire bites. It's like they want to make every schoolgirl in the country scream at levels only dogs can hear, which in an ideal world would then encourage the dogs to attack said Diet Biebers, and hang them from bridges across the country to warn children against the dangers shite boybands. In an ideal world. If you see me with a dog whistle in the near future, you know what I'll be doing. Muahahahaha...
Also, on an unrelated note, I realised I'm seeing Arcade Fire in over a month. WIN. (That's the singer's name, but also an expression of victory. Double meaning!)
Darren out, saying instead of a quote, I'll leave you with this..
Because Sony doesn't want the video embedded, it probably won't work on this, so just give it a click and watch it on YouTube. I'm not putting up a crappy quality version with half the video cut out, it detracts from the overall effect of the video. I mean even now, that Vincent Price voiceover is fucking scary. Elmer Bernstein's extra music in between the actual song, "Scary Music" as it's described in the credits. Oh, and that bassline. You might be aware of this, or not, but I love bass in songs (to a certain degree), and Thriller has one of the best basslines in recorded music. This changed music videos forever, and it's clear why. Having such a high-calibre director as John Landis didn't hurt, and the video still stands up today, looking far better than modern-day videos. The thing's so tightly choreographed as well, makes you respect the work that went into the production that bit more. Rick Baker's make-up is fantastic, but having won six Oscars for his craft. It just makes the whole thing look that bit more convincing. Sure, MJ had a few hits (and misses) but nothing, NOTHING, stands up to Thriller. Personally, I don't like the guy at all, but he does deserve credit for what he's done (musically, that is.)
This next video is testament to the fact that Thriller is just one of those songs that shouldn't be touched. By anyone. Ever.
This piece of unnecessarily melancholy pish is going to lead nicely to my next point, The X-Factor. I had to sit through that last night. As did, according to average viewing figures, 10 or 11 million other hapless sods. I was not impressed. This Matt guy, of whom Kirst has been creaming about the past month or so, turned out to be crap, and that walking Topman advert who murdered (I will not say covered) Thriller made me want to pour acid into my ears. That bad. Sure, interpreting a song in your own way is fine, but not if you're going to turn it into a moody sad-fest that pretty much goes against what the song was about in the first place. Watch that top video again. Apart from the zombies and the evil laughter at the end, it's not meant to be taken seriously. Read MJ's disclaimer at the start! (He was a raging Jehovah's Witness at the time.) This Aiden character sounds like if Harry McVeigh, the singer from White Lies, was repeatedly punched in the balls, making his voice go just that little bit higher. As you can see, I was not impressed in the slightest.
Now this guy, on the other hand, is a man I can get behind. That moustache...
Last night, he looked like a murderous lion tamer. Exactly what you need on a Halloween themed night, to complement Cheryl's string vest-like dress, that Katie's Gaga-on-a-budget style wig, and those Diet Biebers with the vampire bites. It's like they want to make every schoolgirl in the country scream at levels only dogs can hear, which in an ideal world would then encourage the dogs to attack said Diet Biebers, and hang them from bridges across the country to warn children against the dangers shite boybands. In an ideal world. If you see me with a dog whistle in the near future, you know what I'll be doing. Muahahahaha...
Also, on an unrelated note, I realised I'm seeing Arcade Fire in over a month. WIN. (That's the singer's name, but also an expression of victory. Double meaning!)
Darren out, saying instead of a quote, I'll leave you with this..
Arcade Fire,
Michael Jackson,
Wednesday, 27 October 2010
Emulating the Greats
Yes fellas (and fellettes,) Tron Legacy is less than two months away, and I get to hear that long-awaited (on my part at least) Daft Punk score. If that video is anything to go by, then it is just a sign of what could be the best original score since The Social Network. Admittedly, I just bought it yesterday, and I'm still reeling from the tremendousness of the film, but more on that later.
Apologies for not posting yesterday, but I was far too busy downloading some of the best games I'd ever had the privilege of playing. I hadn't played these games for years. The reason? I thought I'd moved on to bigger and better things, but now, in a somewhat bizarre turn of events, I find myself having a more engaging and worthwhile experience playing games on a Sega Mega Drive emulator than I have in quite some time with a PS3. Micro Machines, Robocop vs. The Terminator, Paperboy and STREETS OF RAGE!!!! (THIS ONE IS MY FAVOURITE) are all just classic games, the likes of which you'll never find today, with some rare exceptions. Obviously, the graphics aren't nearly as advanced as recent games are, but the gameplay in certain titles back then was just so simple and easy to pick up and play, it was a gratifying experience. Nowadays, there's just so many damn buttons for combos, etc, it takes days to even get a hang of it, let along master. Now this doesn't mean I'm going to regress back into Mega Drive mode, I mean come on, Force Unleashed II and Call of Duty: Black Ops are out within 2 weeks of each other. I actually can't wait. So yeah, back to my point. I think that until I either find my old Mega Drive in the attic or buy one from eBay, I'll be using this emulator for the time being.
Here's the link for the emulator:
And here's the link for the ROMs (the games): You can thank me later.
Now moving away from the realm of retro gaming, and onto The Social Network. If this film doesn't win at least one Academy Award this year, I'll be very unimpressed. Of all the people, Justin Timberlake's performance as Sean Parker is actually fantastic. Now I know he won't have a chance of winning Best Supporting Actor, because that HAS to go to Andrew Garfield, but more on him in a minute. JT still does very well in this film, and deserves a lot of recognition for turning himself around from that guy who was bringing sexy back while rocking his body at the same time. I can now find acceptable to like the man now. When Brandon Flowers made comments that no singer should act, and vice versa, he was talking shit, rather like his latest musical venture (AY-OH! ...I'm such a bitch.), in rare cases, it can actually turn out very well, rather like the aforementioned Timberlake performance.
And now, on to the star of the show, a certain 27 year-old named Andrew Garfield, who's going to be swinging onto our screens in 2012 as the new Peter Parker. But now, he's rightly deserved all the praise he's earned for his performance in The Social Network, it's a show-stealer, and like I said earlier, he needs to win an Oscar for this, a Golden Globe at least. I can't stress this enough, but it'll be an absolute travesty if he doesn't emerge from awards season without a damn thing. A TRAVESTY, I TELLS YA!
Another thing about TSN well worth writing about is the score by Trent Reznor (of Nine Inch Nails) and Atticus Ross. It's very atmospheric, and synth-tastic, but it fits the mood of the film perfectly. I find it hard to believe it's the first score Reznor's done outside of a few things for Quake (it's an old PC game for those unaware), but there you are. I bought it yesterday, only £8 from HMV, BARGAIN, so yeah, or you could Spotify it too, it's on there as well:
I've made it into a playlist for you, give me a comment if it doesn't work, and I'll post another link.
Also grasping all my spare time at the minute is Final Fantasy IX. After downloading it from the Playstation Store and copying it to my PSP, (which is SO helpful for when you can't find a Moogle to save with, by the way,) I've been playing it non-stop for a fair while now. After giving up due to boredom at the end of Disc 1 of FFVIII, IX is so much better.
I have to go now, I'm watching Hamlet, the 1996 one directed by and starring Kenneth Branagh, and I'm loving it. Who knew Andy Daly would introduce me to something awesome?
Darren out, saying alas, poor Yorick! I knew him, Horatio; a fellow of infinite jest, of most excellent fancy; he hath borne me on his back a thousand times; and now, how abhorred in my imagination it is! My gorge rises at it. Here hung those lips that I have kissed I know not how oft. Where be your gibes now?
Monday, 25 October 2010
"But He Smells Like Ranch Dressing!"
I laughed at these for near enough 20 minutes. I hope you do too. Hit up for many, many more pictures.
I've decided now that at the start of every post, I'm going to put up a new song that I've particularly enjoyed that week. Yes, I'm setting myself the target of writing at least once every week, and it's probably going to be on a Tuesday, since I only have one lecture in the morning and the rest of my day is free. Course, if I feel the need to write about anything any other time, I'll do so, but expect a post at least every Tuesday.
Now back to the song. This week, I've chosen two, because I couldn't bring myself to choose between them. The first is by Charlotte Gainsbourg, and it's called Trick Pony. If you've played FIFA 11 at all, you might know it, but might not have paid much attention. Well, here you are. It's actually a fantastic quality as well!
Now this next song, as it so happens, is also in FIFA 11! Tighten Up, by The Black Keys (who I've raved about before,) is just a fantastic song. I have tried the whistle-riff (that's what I'm calling it, listen to the song and you'll know what I mean) many times, and failed epicly. The title of this post will be explained in the first 10 seconds of this video.
If you want a reference point as to what The Black Keys sound like, think if The White Stripes were actually friggin' awesome, with considerably more consistent and awesome songs. Think I may have indulged in a bit of adjective overkill, but meh, I'll soldier on.
And for those who are unawares, I met the one and only Simon Pegg on Wednesday! Aside from witnessing the man shake my hand after complimenting my Street Fighter II t-shirt (I was in dreamland by this point), he proceeded to sign my book! Once I connect my phone to my laptop tomorrow, I'll put up a picture of the page he signed, for you all to gaze upon.
I'll do another post tomorrow, so I'll save some of this stuff up for tomorrow, since I'll be writing again tomorrow, as promised.
Darren out, saying how's that for a slice of fried gold?
Charlotte Gainsbourg,
Simon Pegg,
The Black Keys
Monday, 11 October 2010
What is Love, Where is Happiness, What is Life, Where is Peace?
Recently, I stated that Thom Yorke was a better singer than Jeff Buckley. I might have got caught up in my Radiohead obsession at the time maybe just a bit too much. Here's the proof: a top-notch quality recording of Jeff Buckley's very own Eternal Life.
And as much as I love Thom Yorke (and I do,) I realised that I was talking poop when I said he was better than Buckley. Because I hadn't listened to Grace in over a year, I had lost touch with just how amazing the guy was. Now I'm not downplaying Yorke's achievements in the slightest, Radiohead are one of my favourite bands, but on the strength of his voice, Jeff wins by far.
And here's a live version of Eternal Life, totally different from the album version, heavier sounding, and a bit punky, but just as good judged on its own merits.
Also, I implore all of you to watch Pan's Labyrinth. I had heard before that it was fantastic, but Christ, it's a wonderful film. So well shot (it won the Oscar for best cinematography), and the actors are genuinely brilliant. It's what you'd expect from a del Toro film, really.
With the release of FIFA 11, I've been glued to the PS3 all week, the game's sublime. Sure, it's not all that different from 10, but the little differences add up. I'd suggest you buy it, ASAP. (And ignore PES, it's probably just as crap as last year's.)
And here's the bargain of the century: 29 episodes on 8 discs for £15. The show? Season 1 of Star Trek: The Original Series. Now it's not as good as the Next Generation, I'll say that now, but it's a great place to start watching properly instead of the odd episode on Virgin 1, oh, sorry, I forgot they changed it to Channel One. Fucking stupid idea.
Darren out, saying when can I find the strength to bring me release?
And as much as I love Thom Yorke (and I do,) I realised that I was talking poop when I said he was better than Buckley. Because I hadn't listened to Grace in over a year, I had lost touch with just how amazing the guy was. Now I'm not downplaying Yorke's achievements in the slightest, Radiohead are one of my favourite bands, but on the strength of his voice, Jeff wins by far.
And here's a live version of Eternal Life, totally different from the album version, heavier sounding, and a bit punky, but just as good judged on its own merits.
Also, I implore all of you to watch Pan's Labyrinth. I had heard before that it was fantastic, but Christ, it's a wonderful film. So well shot (it won the Oscar for best cinematography), and the actors are genuinely brilliant. It's what you'd expect from a del Toro film, really.
With the release of FIFA 11, I've been glued to the PS3 all week, the game's sublime. Sure, it's not all that different from 10, but the little differences add up. I'd suggest you buy it, ASAP. (And ignore PES, it's probably just as crap as last year's.)
And here's the bargain of the century: 29 episodes on 8 discs for £15. The show? Season 1 of Star Trek: The Original Series. Now it's not as good as the Next Generation, I'll say that now, but it's a great place to start watching properly instead of the odd episode on Virgin 1, oh, sorry, I forgot they changed it to Channel One. Fucking stupid idea.
Darren out, saying when can I find the strength to bring me release?
FIFA 11,
Jeff Buckley,
Pan's Labyrinth,
Star Trek,
Thom Yorke
Sunday, 3 October 2010
Simon Le Bon Is A Joke
Friends, I write to you this evening having had my ears well and truly raped by Duran Duran.
Now you might say, tough, Darren, your fault. And you'd be right. Curiosity did indeed kill the cat.
To put my point in context, here is the video to the angriest, and greatest, rap song of all time, Public Enemy's 911 Is A Joke. (Skip the video to about 10 seconds in to get the song. Also, Flavor Flav does the greatest dance in a white suit I've ever seen.) Also, now I can't possibly comment on whether the American emergency services avoid black neighbourhoods, or if 911 is indeed Jokey-Joke Town, so I'll leave it to William Drayton and Carlton Ridenhour to provide the 90s social commentary...
Good, eh? Now watch these. (First one's live, second one's the album version)
Also, as a reference point, Duran Duran's cover album, Thank You, has been voted the worst of all time. And for good reason. There's no need for that to have been recorded. It's like Enya covering Cannibal Corpse, or Bruce Springsteen covering Daft Punk. It just shouldnae be done.
Now here's a good cover, and a fitting segway into my next topic:
So aye, I saw the Manic Street Preachers in Edinburgh last night, and it was magnifico! Setlist ahoy:
Such a good setlist. Shame they didn't play Kevin Carter, a favourite of mine, but hey, I found a few hidden gems, and saw Postcards From A Young Man in a whole new light, I'll need to give it another listen. It really does sound so much better live. Also, I had no idea this was by the Manics! I don't think it'll embed, so just click and watch it on YouTube:
I had heard it so many times before, but never known who it was until last night. All in all, such a top-notch performance by the band last night, couldn't find a fault other than the omission of Kevin Carter.
Here's the last video, I promise!
This afternoon, along with Juno for £3 from HMV, I also bought the album Union, by a band called The Boxer Rebellion, for £2. I have to say I didn't expect much, but wow. Such a great album.
I'm off, have finance questions to look over...
Darren out, saying if you tolerate this, then your children will be next...
Now you might say, tough, Darren, your fault. And you'd be right. Curiosity did indeed kill the cat.
To put my point in context, here is the video to the angriest, and greatest, rap song of all time, Public Enemy's 911 Is A Joke. (Skip the video to about 10 seconds in to get the song. Also, Flavor Flav does the greatest dance in a white suit I've ever seen.) Also, now I can't possibly comment on whether the American emergency services avoid black neighbourhoods, or if 911 is indeed Jokey-Joke Town, so I'll leave it to William Drayton and Carlton Ridenhour to provide the 90s social commentary...
Good, eh? Now watch these. (First one's live, second one's the album version)
Also, as a reference point, Duran Duran's cover album, Thank You, has been voted the worst of all time. And for good reason. There's no need for that to have been recorded. It's like Enya covering Cannibal Corpse, or Bruce Springsteen covering Daft Punk. It just shouldnae be done.
Now here's a good cover, and a fitting segway into my next topic:
So aye, I saw the Manic Street Preachers in Edinburgh last night, and it was magnifico! Setlist ahoy:
Such a good setlist. Shame they didn't play Kevin Carter, a favourite of mine, but hey, I found a few hidden gems, and saw Postcards From A Young Man in a whole new light, I'll need to give it another listen. It really does sound so much better live. Also, I had no idea this was by the Manics! I don't think it'll embed, so just click and watch it on YouTube:
I had heard it so many times before, but never known who it was until last night. All in all, such a top-notch performance by the band last night, couldn't find a fault other than the omission of Kevin Carter.
Here's the last video, I promise!
This afternoon, along with Juno for £3 from HMV, I also bought the album Union, by a band called The Boxer Rebellion, for £2. I have to say I didn't expect much, but wow. Such a great album.
I'm off, have finance questions to look over...
Darren out, saying if you tolerate this, then your children will be next...
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