Monday, 25 October 2010

"But He Smells Like Ranch Dressing!"

I laughed at these for near enough 20 minutes. I hope you do too. Hit up for many, many more pictures.

I've decided now that at the start of every post, I'm going to put up a new song that I've particularly enjoyed that week. Yes, I'm setting myself the target of writing at least once every week, and it's probably going to be on a Tuesday, since I only have one lecture in the morning and the rest of my day is free. Course, if I feel the need to write about anything any other time, I'll do so, but expect a post at least every Tuesday.

Now back to the song. This week, I've chosen two, because I couldn't bring myself to choose between them. The first is by Charlotte Gainsbourg, and it's called Trick Pony. If you've played FIFA 11 at all, you might know it, but might not have paid much attention. Well, here you are. It's actually a fantastic quality as well!

Now this next song, as it so happens, is also in FIFA 11! Tighten Up, by The Black Keys (who I've raved about before,) is just a fantastic song. I have tried the whistle-riff (that's what I'm calling it, listen to the song and you'll know what I mean) many times, and failed epicly. The title of this post will be explained in the first 10 seconds of this video.

If you want a reference point as to what The Black Keys sound like, think if The White Stripes were actually friggin' awesome, with considerably more consistent and awesome songs. Think I may have indulged in a bit of adjective overkill, but meh, I'll soldier on.

And for those who are unawares, I met the one and only Simon Pegg on Wednesday! Aside from witnessing the man shake my hand after complimenting my Street Fighter II t-shirt (I was in dreamland by this point), he proceeded to sign my book! Once I connect my phone to my laptop tomorrow, I'll put up a picture of the page he signed, for you all to gaze upon.

I'll do another post tomorrow, so I'll save some of this stuff up for tomorrow, since I'll be writing again tomorrow, as promised.

Darren out, saying how's that for a slice of fried gold?

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