Guys, guys, guys. Now I might often tell you such and such a song has the best video ever. On all occasions, except for this one, I have to be ignored. THIS is the best video of all time.
Because Sony doesn't want the video embedded, it probably won't work on this, so just give it a click and watch it on YouTube. I'm not putting up a crappy quality version with half the video cut out, it detracts from the overall effect of the video. I mean even now, that Vincent Price voiceover is fucking scary. Elmer Bernstein's extra music in between the actual song, "Scary Music" as it's described in the credits. Oh, and that bassline. You might be aware of this, or not, but I love bass in songs (to a certain degree), and Thriller has one of the best basslines in recorded music. This changed music videos forever, and it's clear why. Having such a high-calibre director as John Landis didn't hurt, and the video still stands up today, looking far better than modern-day videos. The thing's so tightly choreographed as well, makes you respect the work that went into the production that bit more. Rick Baker's make-up is fantastic, but having won six Oscars for his craft. It just makes the whole thing look that bit more convincing. Sure, MJ had a few hits (and misses) but nothing, NOTHING, stands up to Thriller. Personally, I don't like the guy at all, but he does deserve credit for what he's done (musically, that is.)
This next video is testament to the fact that Thriller is just one of those songs that shouldn't be touched. By anyone. Ever.
This piece of unnecessarily melancholy pish is going to lead nicely to my next point, The X-Factor. I had to sit through that last night. As did, according to average viewing figures, 10 or 11 million other hapless sods. I was not impressed. This Matt guy, of whom Kirst has been creaming about the past month or so, turned out to be crap, and that walking Topman advert who murdered (I will not say covered) Thriller made me want to pour acid into my ears. That bad. Sure, interpreting a song in your own way is fine, but not if you're going to turn it into a moody sad-fest that pretty much goes against what the song was about in the first place. Watch that top video again. Apart from the zombies and the evil laughter at the end, it's not meant to be taken seriously. Read MJ's disclaimer at the start! (He was a raging Jehovah's Witness at the time.) This Aiden character sounds like if Harry McVeigh, the singer from White Lies, was repeatedly punched in the balls, making his voice go just that little bit higher. As you can see, I was not impressed in the slightest.
Now this guy, on the other hand, is a man I can get behind. That moustache...
Last night, he looked like a murderous lion tamer. Exactly what you need on a Halloween themed night, to complement Cheryl's string vest-like dress, that Katie's Gaga-on-a-budget style wig, and those Diet Biebers with the vampire bites. It's like they want to make every schoolgirl in the country scream at levels only dogs can hear, which in an ideal world would then encourage the dogs to attack said Diet Biebers, and hang them from bridges across the country to warn children against the dangers shite boybands. In an ideal world. If you see me with a dog whistle in the near future, you know what I'll be doing. Muahahahaha...
Also, on an unrelated note, I realised I'm seeing Arcade Fire in over a month. WIN. (That's the singer's name, but also an expression of victory. Double meaning!)
Darren out, saying instead of a quote, I'll leave you with this..
I hate your love for all things Wagner!!